Alls Fair...

May 26, 2009 08:30

County fair that is. was very fun! I entered the spinning contest, which only had 3 people including me this year :(. oh well. i got 3rd, lol, not a surprize. did better then last year till i threw a fit... SILK IS EVIL. never have to spin silk. it screwed me up. oh well. bought some roving to spin and got the number and prices to get a fleece cleaned. maybe i can sell some roving from my own sheep. YAY!

So dads making me get my own insurance.. it was REALLY nice only paying $62 a month, but atleast I'll be out from under him for another thing. he's really loosing it. he was screaming at me not paying him money for insurance and i told him im paying AAA directly. he got all high and mighty and goes to my mom, "Its in my name why is she paying them? and if she's paying them why does the bill come to me?" Well, dim whit, the BILLS IN YOUR NAME. thats why it comes to you. smart ass. have another beer. See? beer kills braincells.

We have a humming bird with a nest in our walk way, its so nice!! :D

My Bday is coming and theres a good chance we will be evicted and spliting the family like RIGHT on it. oh well, my birthdays already the time papa died, cant get to much more depressing. everyones already in a crappy mood.

PS friday i got a DVD player!!! WOOT!

sheep. spinning, humming bird, fair, insurance, dad, county fair, birthday, wool

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