So this is how it went

Oct 24, 2007 09:56

Goattoberfest was awsom, as usual. Brady got a 5th one day and excused the next- he's "loved to much" and "love is not food" ha ha ha!!! Sully didnt place, he's 6 months in a 6-12 month old class... no competition there. Sully DID get to show in his first showmanship classes with a little guy who was only 6 years old, and did REALLY well, except he doesnt like to walk. but he stands there all cute, and Josh loved him. I ended up watching Chips kids Josh and Isabelle while he showed some, and we played soccer, monkey in the middle, cat in the corner and what time is it mr. fox. (I love kids games) oh! and tag. then when everyone was cranky and chip was winning (about 10:30 pm.) we when and cheered him on, told him to win us candy, and I made a cootie catcher what was just so fascinating to them all that it was better then Johnny Cash getting Reserve grand. (WOOT! go Johnny Cash!) BTW, did I mention by this time, I have JT's kids and there cuisins now to? and Josh, whose 6, is the oldest? ya... so then we went to bed, the next day Merideth won RESERVE SENIOR DOE!!! YAY! big Ribbons!!

So yesterday, Im tired, all I have is school- Silver rips his horn off, has to go to UCDavis, get tranced 4 TIMES (4 shots of Dizapan! Damn!) get it cleaned, scubbed, stitched, bandanged and eventually burned. I'll have pictures later for you all of the emence GORE.
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