I survived!

Sep 01, 2007 10:16

mwahahahaha! Fair is DONE! It went alright, Brady got two 2nd's out of two, but the judges both said he was well deserved of second, even if there had been other goats in the class (he's just FAT), and Sully got a 5th out of 5 on the first day (to little), and a 4th out of 5 the second (Well muscled for being the youngest in the class!) And Im happy. Zadellia got like 3-4 out of 20 on the first day and 1st out of 20 the second!!! :D Go Dilly!!! I cant remember the others, but no one did terribly. and I got to show bucks for Elaine and Michelle.. pretty, fluffy, sticky bucks.. I do love them, they are just stinky.

Thanks tot he people who came and saw me, I was brain dead so those who didnt just got to miss my bucky scent. yum. we all need to smell like buck. XP not.

I got my schedual for next month... 0.0 I only work 10 days.. TOTAL. thats like.. less then half what I normally work... I was first scared, wantng a second job, but then I realized, I have been on school almost 4 years and where am i? like at 20 units. If I can make myself live with 1.5-2.5 days a week, then I should, and work my ASS off at school. I want better then $9 an hour, even if my bosses are super nice.. I wanna be the one to fly my employees to Las Vegas for christmas. ;) or atleast own my own house.

I decided to NOT enter the 3day nocel contest. I dont really have $50 to enter after my car (and I will need tires soon) and I need to focas on school, though this weekend I have nothing.... o.0 I have to add to Opaque Water Media, tell my PD001 teacher I AM in her class and enjoy my design class while I still can. it will get HARD. But design was fun yesterday. the teacher seems really nice and he's head of something at the school. Our first prodject was to make construction paper mask's. its so neat to watch everyone let free and justplay like a kid. :) and I get to see Yoko in class again!!

Oww, oooowww!! Im going to breed Pandora, Starfire, and Dapple (once I buy her from my sister) this year for BABIES!!! then.. then We can play with them, get all attached and sell them. then cry and enjoy the $75-200 per baby. come on starfire, tripets again, but this time all survivie!!!

bucks, stinky, smelly, buck, fun, fair, school, design

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