1. One thing you said as a child that got you into trouble?
I told my mom i forgot how to put the forks in the drawer (she did it some alternating way to save space) and she yelled at me for an obsesiously long time for it.
2. What would be your one regret if you were to be struck by lightning and die right now?
that my true love is still out there, waiting to meet me.
3. Who is your favorite Batman?
4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
smurfs :) i love those blue guys
5. Favorite SNL sketch?
I've only seen it once, but i think these cheerleaders chicks.
6. Quote a movie:
7. Who’s your favorite comedian?
rosie o'donnel
8. Who is your favorite character from (choose any one of the following): Friends, Scrubs, Will & Grace or Frasier, and explain why you chose that person and why they are your favorite.
joey from friends, cause he's funny
Name your five favorite books
the lorax, to kill a mockingbird, the sneetches, running with scissors, hollis woods
Name your five favorite movies
a few good men, mighty ducks 2, apollo 13, princess bride, to kill a mockingbird
List three unique facts about yourself
If you could have anyone, living or dead, over to your house for dinner, who would it be and what would you serve them? And why?
I'd have Jesus come, so I could learn the real deal of what he wanted and I'd serve him pizza, cause I think he's never had it.