Oct 14, 2008 20:53
Finally back from NYC. Sadly, that metropolis and myself have a cursed relationship. I do not believe I will be returning again for many years, if at all. I'm sorry, New York. You're just not the one for me.
As a result of my trip, I am woefully behind on my two Halloween skeletons - so much so that I don't know if I can finish them in time for the L5P parade. This makes me feel incredibly useless.
That and, while I was out of town, my cat started becoming more and more lethargic. Last night, she was happy enough to see me to get up for a while but now she's just sleeping all day and not taking interest in food. I have to wait til tomorrow morning to take her in to the vet and I hope she's okay. Maybe I've gone full-blown neurotic obsessive over her well-being or maybe she's just a bit "puny". And this malady developed while I was out.
beloved pets,