monstermustdie's birthday party was fun, without too much cleaning time before bed. Thanks to all who came and made it through the unexpected flood of red mud in the front yard. The new neighbors next door have reshaped their yard, raising it up to one level that now drains directly into our front yard.
Inside the house still looks cleaner than it has for months. The fridge is full of yummy leftovers.
Landlord is sending landscapers to the house Sunday morning to determine what can be done about the water running into the front yard. They're also planning to plant a border of Leyland Cypress around the back yard for additional privacy and sound barrier.
A strange lanky fellow came into our building today asking for money, who said he used to work for Art Laminating. He was tall and nervous and I was not in the mood to deal with him.
I still have the post-Dentist sinus infection / allergies / cold-like malady. Ready for it to be gone.
Why does this happen every time I go to the dentist?