Mar 06, 2017 19:17
Our hot water heater developed a leak yesterday in the rusted pipes connecting it to the water lines, letting us know the end is near. I'm sure the ancient heater in the basement is close behind. I'm trying to stay out of the process to replace it to avoid the usual argument of price vs quality vs time.
Despite that, I woke up in a good mood this morning after a night of very colorful dreams after I took a Motrin PM before going to bed last night. A good night's sleep can do a lot to raise my mood. The dreams were not the usual frustration dreams I constantly have of either being stuck in place or of my mother, father, and grandmother. Instead the dreams had me feeling active and creative and involved with other people, although they were only people I met in my dreams.
I got a call this morning to work at the retail job today for 6 hours. Spent one hour's pay on lunch from the grocery store next door.
When I got home tonight, I agreed to pay for half of the new water heater. I think I've still got enough in savings to do that or I can pull it from the bank account I keep squirreled away to pay for my Atlanta condo. We will get a new water heater installed tomorrow. In a perfect world, my retail job will conveniently call me into work in the evening so I can make a little more pocket cash while still being able to be here for the installation of the new water heater.
Oh Dear Gawd! I need a real job so badly these days. I'd give anything to have my old independent, creative, social, professional life back again.
home maintenance,