There are things between earth and sky - like the fact my LJ interface is now in Japanese. It probably decided by itself I should be practising more. (Oh yes, thank you very much.)
Let's start with old photos of Justin. I made him the eye-patch just for the lulz, but yes, he has the wig ^^ when he has his new body I'm definitely making him cosplay 17 yo version of Ciel Phantomhive. Right now he is lying naked, wig-less and depressed in his box, because his owner is a loser.
My favourite senpai is leaving for Japan this Sunday, so I just had to meet her before she goes. Anyway her Japanese is incerdibly good, but she is too shy to show it, so everyone crosses their fingers for her to become a top speaker there.
Yeah, let's have a look at artsy photos of our balcony. The weather was just splendid recently, which made my cold even more painful. But thanks! to my school instead of going to bed with hot tea I had to get up and spend my time in there. I admit it, I'm frustrated at the moment and I keep telling everyone how much I am suffering, which is only a more nasty version of my usual self-pity. OK, I guess I need someone to kick me hard in the butt.
Quiche! I finally met Mishka and Beth after they stay in Portugal, waah, it's such a pity they don't go to the same classes as me anymore.
We had a free day on Wednesday, so I went for a short trip together with my roommates. I think we should have more free days.