Nov 03, 2011 17:53
So, I took Jake in to get "the works" oil change I had a coupon for from the paper yesterday. It included a whole bunch of nifty little things and what I really wanted: a brake inspection. My left rear wheel has been screeching for awhile now whenever I stepped on the brakes and I've been mildly concerned. So I took Jake in as he was due for an oil change anyways and learn that the brake pads had completely worn through on the rear tires, more so on the left one, to the point of steel on steel action going on, and the front pads were about to go but not gone yet. Not to mention my dad, whom I would have fix this for me, has been in Mexico for the past month visiting his family. So seeing as I need brakes, and can't wait for my dad to come back, I got new brake pads and the rotors re-surfaced, and a whole break fluid flush ad replacement while I was at it. I left Jake there overnight, the dealership took me home, then picked me from work today to go get Jake over my lunch hour. Jake has new brakes and doesn't screech anymore.
Oh, and a freak cold front has hit the valley. I is cold!!!!!!!