
Jul 25, 2006 21:48

Ik ben sinds enkele dagen op een forum in discussie met een overtuigd Christen (een Zionist), over de situatie in Israël en Libanon. Dus ik heb besloten een beetje buitenlandse hulp in te roepen. Namelijk, ik heb een Israëlische (Amerikaans geboren) Rabbijn gemaild of hij me een handje kon helpen:

Dear Rabbi Ascherman,

After watching the documentary 'Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land', my admiration for the work of some people (including you) was growing. I have been in an ongoing debate with a Zionist Christian on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands (in a discussion regarding the recent occupation and fight against Lebanon). He is certain that he cause of Israeli fighting is just and he does not agree with my stand that on certain points Israel is the aggressor.

I have been trying to explain the whole course of the conflict, from the beginning (with the use of UN and Wikipedia resources I have on the internet, being very careful not to use resources that are too coloured) but he keeps on claiming that the piece of land that is now Israel was promised to the Jews by God and so is rightfully and wholy theirs to claim. I know the Bible (I was born a Roman Catholic) and I have read it back to front and front to back. I know the claims, but I am not so sure how to explain to him how this works in the current situation in the area. Do you have any ideas that can help me explain this to him?

Further more he has been claiming that my resources (the UN, Wikipedia and a Dutch newsprogram -which is very acurate and non coloured in its news) are not as objective as I claim. He has been quoting from resources as AIPAC and Mark Twain to tell me otherwise. I know he is like a cat, caught, that makes strange moves whenever he can, but I was wondering if you could tell him (through me) how the situation really is, what can be done to resolve the ongoing terror and war and how people feel. As you are a Rabbi, living in Israel, he is bound to believe you over my resources.

For this man (he is 42) will not believe a 24 year old girl, who has traveled the world (I have just returned from 9 months living in Egypt) and met people from all walks of life and all religions. I have told him personal stories of mine, where I have talked to Israeli ex-Military boys and girls and Muslims from all over the Middle East. He still thinks that all Muslims have hate in their hearts and think that all non-Muslims are 'lesser Pigs'.

I kindly thank you for your time, in advance, and I hope you can spare a minute to answer this e-mail. I will forever be in your dept.

Anouk (the Netherlands)

Zo, en nu eens kijken of ik die gozer op dat forum kan 'bombarderen' met een Amerikaans gemaakte Israëlische F16... :P (Al met al is het hoogst vermakelijk... Je moet immers wat doen met je tijd als je werkeloos bent... *grinnn*)

Overigens, het is absoluut aan te raden om de documentaire te kijken... (Je zit er een uur en 20 minuten voor, maar het is wel een 'eye opener' op een aantal gebieden!)
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