Sep 28, 2006 17:13
Likes: 1963 Chevrolet Impala
Dislikes: Pontiac Aztek
Likes: Fast Food
Dislikes: Food without flavor
Likes: Pepsi
Dislikes: Rootbeer
Likes: Light Mayo
Dislikes: Spicy Mustard
Video Games:
Likes: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Dislikes: Any sports game
Likes: Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Dislikes: Bad Santa
Tv Shows:
Likes: Street Sharks (I wish it was still on TV)
Dislikes: Bobo Bo BoBoBo (That show is utterly retarded and makes no sense)
Likes: Shorts
Dislikes: Collared Shirts
Likes: Purple
Dislikes: Green
Likes: Cold and dry
Dislikes: Hot and humid
Likes: Any place that is fun
Dislikes: Places where he has to wait in line for something he doesn't want to do XD
Likes: Cox Cable
Dislikes: Wal-Mart
Modern Animals:
Likes: Crocodilians
Dislikes: Wasps
Mythical Animals:
Likes: Weredragons (weird one, huh?)
Dislikes: Aliens from Alien vs Predator (I hate how they have to have human hosts, bleck!)
Ideal Girlfriend:
Likes: A kind girl who accepts me for who I am and listens to what I say.
Dislikes: A shy girl who has such little personality she can't even say anything on the phone.
Ideal Friend:
Likes: People who are concerned about friendship rather than public opinion.
Dislikes: Controlling, greedy friends who could give less of a crap about what you say.
Ideal Superhero:
Likes: A vigilante who only follows his own morals, and is ruled by no man.
Dislikes: A hero who is cocky and narrow-minded.
Ideal Supervillain:
Likes: The villain that covers every detail and KILLS the damn hero when he gets the chance.
Dislikes: The cowardly villains who only use minions to do their dirty work.
Possible Dreams (None of these have happened):
Favorite Possible Dream: Being Dalaraga (which I have yet to do >.n.<)
Worst Possible Nightmare: Being betrayed by all your friends at once (it could always be by a force greater than you can imagine)
Likes: Virgil from Devil May Cry 3
Dislikes: Alvin and the Chipmunks (DIE!!!)
Favorite Console:
Likes: The Playstation Series
Dislikes: The XBox Series
That's all for now. Later!