(ganked from
Take the first entry of each month in 2006 that isn't a Quiz, Meme or Happy Birthday/Anniversary/Special Day type post. Take the beginning of each of those entries to form a quick summary of the year.
I'm back. Kind of. Because between work and school (and homework) and taking care of my grandmommie and making sure my cat's not neglected, I've barely got tome for origfic, much less fanfic. But I got myself an Alphasmart. So it's all good.
B2MEM: Brotherhood (drabble)
Which I wasn't sure I was going to do, so I didn't want to commit to, because I've had work, school, homework, Grandmommie's been sick, etc. But today, at the last minute ('cause all the other days have passed me by) I had an inspiration. It's a drabble -- I can do a drabble a week, can't I?
Last Gasp (J/A) (2/?)
This fic is rated: D for Disturbing
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Characters/Pairing: James/Alec
Summary: Sequel to Broken for Me. Alec has a moment of lucidity.
Warnings: Imagery of severe physical trauma (dropped a few hundred feet), brainwashing and implied previous man-sex might be squicks.
The Code for Love (J/A) (Standalone)
This fic is rated: P for Porny
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Characters/Pairing: James/Alec
Summary: Alec wants some comfort, James obliges.
Warnings: Two men have sex. With each other. (Duh, much?)
Angsty. Also plotless. Hey, it’s angst, it’s pwp -- it’s awp? (Does such a thing really exist? I guess it must!)
Opening Gambit (J/A) (16/?)
This fic is rated: C for Cautiously Optimistic
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Characters/Pairing: James/Alec
Summary: What happens when Alec wakes up.
Warnings: nada
Close Shave (J/A) (18/?)
This fic is rated: S for Sharp
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Characters/Pairing: James/Alec
Summary: James does Alec a very personal favor.
Warnings: Mild slashiness.
Two Takes on a Scene
I've got a couple takes on the same scene in my origfic novel; I'm not sure which I want to go with. So I'm asking everyone out in LJ-land. Opinions, anyone?
School. Bleargh. Yes, it's an interesting class, but it's just one more thing to soak up my so-not-copious free time.
Unspoken (James/Alec) (22/?)
This fic is rated: S for Sex-Related
Fandom: James Bond: Goldeneye
Characters/Pairing: James/Alec
Summary: James deceives, Alec remembers.
Warnings: Intimations of hetero-sex, more than that of mansex!
I was going through some other stuff, and I found the long-lost outline to IPOADL! Not that I can do anything with it until at least after the holidays -- but hey, it's nice to know it's not gone forever. :D
(No entries meeting the criteria yet, for December ... but based on my performance so far this year, when I do, it will probably relate, one way or another, to Sean Bean.)