Rules of Engagement

Dec 08, 2013 22:16

Drabble, Eleventh Doctor, Simm!Master. Doctor who belongs to the BBC, but if it were mine, it would be a lot less sexist, incoherent, and consequence-avoidant than what Steven Moffat is doing with it.

Read at your own risk.

The Doctor's habit of kissing people gets him into trouble with the Master.

When the Master staggered out of a rip in spacetime and into the control room of the Doctor's TARDIS, it felt like the most natural thing in the universe to kiss him.

He found himself on his back, his jaw throbbing. The Master stood over him, fists clenched. "If you ever do that to me again -- "

"It was just a kiss," the Doctor said. He smiled, to cover his confusion. "You used to like kissing."

The Master bared his teeth. "If you ever touch me again, Doctor, I will snap your neck, and take my chances with your next regeneration."

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drabble, eleventh doctor, doctor who, simm!master

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