Human, Being (Drabble Project, Day 316

Nov 12, 2012 14:36

What if "Human Nature" had been a Seventh Doctor story?

"Remember, Professor Smith," Ace says, "you have a faculty meeting." She holds up his gray coat. He stares at her for a moment, as if there's something he's forgotten (but of course, he's forgotten everything), then takes it from her.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Don't be silly, Dorothy," he says. (Because no professor would call his secretary by so familiar a nickname as 'Ace.') "I may be growing old, but I don't need a nursemaid yet.

He taps her on the nose, and she has to turn her back to hide the tears in her eyes.

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ace mcshane, doctor who, my fics let me show you them, drabble project

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