The Two Captain Jacks (Drabble Project, Day 245

Sep 01, 2012 23:08

Pirates of the Caribbean/Torchwood crack crossover. Captain Jack meets Captain Jack.

Captain Jack Sparrow staggered through streets of Tortuga. He looked over to see a handsome man in odd clothes.

"And who are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness." His accent was odd.

Jack stared at Jack. "And I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."

"This could be confusing."

"Two Captain Jacks. That's worse than confusing, mate." He drew his cutlass. "There can't be two Captain Jacks."

The other Captain Jack (perish the thought) put up his hands. "Don't do anything hasty."

Jack ran the man through. He fell, eyes wide. But then he took a deep breath, and sat up.

"Well," Jack said. "That's interesting."

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torchwood, my fics let me show you them, crack, potc, drabble project, crossovers

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