I have written ...
genderswap: no
bodyswap: no
The (Extremely Short-Lived) Abduction of Arwen has Boromir getting plastered on bleepka
Jack Sparrow's being drunk has been mentioned a time or two.
An untitled Qui&Obi drabble, which doesn't lead to sex.
An untitled Han/Lando fic, which does.
huddling together for warmth!:
"Stormy", part of "13 Drabbles", Goldeneye: James/Alec
"Warmth in the Deep Dark", LotR: Aragorn/Boromir
undercover in a gay bar!: no
pretending to be married!: no, though there's an idea brewing in my brain
secretly a virgin!:
"Bygones" PotC: Jack/Barbossa uses the canonical confusion Jack experiences when everybody shows up in the Locker
also, I wrote a few chapters of a fic where Boromir has amnesia ages ago.
Does "Damn Breeches" where Elizabeth is canonically dressed in men's clothes count? What about Lancer/Yellow Dancer's canonical crossdressing?
forced to share a bed!:
I've got a WIP where Jack and Barbossa negotiate sharing the bed on the Pearl, but it doesn't lead to sex.
aliens make them do it!: no
wingfic: no
mpreg: no
mistakenly assumed to be gay!: no
let's play truth or dare!: no
Mary Sue fic: *makes shifty eyes* nothing I've inflicted on teh internetz (because by the time I had internetz, I was old enough to know better.)
curtainfic: no
hurt/comfort: Too many to list.
apocalypse fic:
no, unless one counts the times I've had Order 66 in my fics, or that Terminatorverse WIP
someone has a baby!:
Lisa Hayes is pregnant in one of her "5 Nevers" though it's early stages, Padme's canonical pregnancy is referenced in several fics, and several characters have toddler-or-older children. The only character I can think who's actually having a baby is the unnamed Mando OC in my series of random Mando drabbles. Oh, and Boromir's wife has a baby in Happyverse.
telepathic soulbonding: no
werewolves mate for life!: no
As you can see, I have my work cut out for me ...