[Fanaccount] MBC Korean Music Wave

May 22, 2012 23:04

I can't believe how lucky I was last night.

I'm currently in NorCal (no, I'm not from there) for my work and I don't know how it happened, but I got tickets for the MBC Korean Music Wave.

Last night was amazing. Groups that I've never been really into were completely amazing. So worth it. So worth the sore arms the next day. So worth almost falling asleep at work. (Don't be like me)

I literally left work as soon as I got off and got to the venue at 3pm. It was crowded beyond measure already. I had been lucky because a friend had been saving our places. We exchanged the confirmation slip for tickets and managed to get a good place in line. The rush in was crazy. People were running and squeezing. I didn't even have to move and somehow I was rushed through the gate. Getting seats was difficult but somehow, by some magical and miraculous force, I got a seat in the second row. THE SECOND ROW.

When Kara came up, I could see the skins of their knees!  If they just kneeled a little in my direction, I could see the whites of their eyes!  They did an amazing opening. I'm not a big fan of Kara, but I was so pumped up and exctied!

Then Tiffany andTaeyeon came on. They were very pretty. I loved Taeyeon's dress, it really complemented her hair and skin tone.

OH AND THEN, MBLAQ. HOW DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH MBLAQ. Okay, I've always KNOWN about them. They were quite cute and I'm a sucker for boy groups so of course I knew about them. But then THAT HAPPENED. Because everyone was just waving their hands at them (I didn't have a poster or light stick or anything like that) so I just waved around hands giving them two thumbs ups. I feel like one or two of them acknowledged the gesture with a nod, but THEN. Mir, oh Mir, he had a moment where he was kneeling close to my side of the stage (during Y). I kept my hands up and thumbs up and OMG, he sneakily placed his hand on his chest and GAVE ME A THUMBS UP BACK. (I know, there could have been many reasons why he did that or maybe I had just been imagining it and he was fixing his jacket, but let a delusional fangirl dream.)

After MBLAQ was  SISTAR. Damn was I in the nosebleed section. You know how fabric stretches over your butt? Yeah, I could it all and damn, even though I'm a girl, I have to say I appreciated it the view. (Teehee, just guess what happened when DBSK came out in leeetha pants?) I gotta say I'm now a Nicole and Hyorin fan. Hyorin was so sweet, she kept smiling and waving at the audience!!

I would keep going, but I wasn't too into BEAST...OH F(X).

f(x), I ended up taking a lot of pictures because one of my friend's really likes them and while I was taking pictures AMBER LOOKED ME IN THE EYE AND WAVED! <3 <3 <3 In all of f(x), I gotta say that my bias would be Amber >____<

Not a big fan of BEAST but my friend was AND SHE GOT A TOWEL SIGNED BY ALL OF THEM!!!

Got one pic of SNSD. They were quite pretty but not as tall as I thought they were.

Then it was Wonder Girls who were amazing by the way. They got the whole crowd going singing Be My Baby and Nobody with them!!!  But they were in all white so it was hard to take a picture of them. I gave up after a while 'cause my phone's camera quality sucked and they were rather stunning in white with the white lights as well....


I didn't take any good pictures during SUJU's performance 'cause I was too busy dancing and singing along to Superman, Mr. Simple and Sorry Sorry (and hitting the two guys who were next to me. Damn, I got trampled when they were trying to get attention from SNSD, Wonder Girls, KARA and SISTAR. It was merely fair.)


I told you how close I was right? I COULD SEE THE FABRIC OF THEIR PANTS STRETCH ACROSS THEIR BUTTS. And damn, Yunho, you are amazing. Seeing you live was definitely something else. I can only say that seeing them was pretty amazing because by this time, something in my ears gave away and I heard everything in an octave higher. So when Changmin screamed, I felt like...I felt like my head was exploding.

My only good picture of Yunho.

Then my phone totally died on me. But they continued to perform, Before U Go and Rising Sun. (I was close to tears when they came out, this will probably be the only time I get to see them this well LIVE) Okay, Rising Sun doesn't sound the same with only two but DAMN did they make it work somehow. I loved their performance and they looked so tired at the end. ):

LOL, when they were giving the final ments, someone threw a plushie on stage at Yunho's feet. He kinda shuffled backwards and looked at like with the 'uh-I'm-not-going-to-pick-it-up-but-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it' look. SJ Yesung ended up throwing it right back into the crowd. Then people starting throwing thing on stage for reals. I think Leeteuk was the only one who took a plushie while all the rest were handed back to people in the crowd by the SJ members. Oh dear god, Leeteuk was so sweet. He ran around the stage at the end bowing to all sections of the audience members. I couldn't help but thank him back with a bow of my own.

At the very end, 'cause I was sitting up front and one of the guys in charge of the show was sitting in front of me right? Eunhyuk (or I think it was him) began high-fiving some fans and a swarm of fangirls charged toward the stage. Sadly, there was a camera there and the producer guy was like "I-WILL-PROTECT-THIS-CAMERA-WITH-MY-LIFE!" I felt bad for him but it was hilarious at the same time.

Lesson: Never ever, ever get in the way of fangirls unless you are willing to put your life on the line. LOL

The concert was like a dream and today I totally was spaced out. My colleagues thought I went mad 'cause every time I would doze off, a stupid smile would make its way onto my face...XD

Just my happy spazz before I have to crunch down for the week. Memorial Day Weekend ain't gonna be fun for me .____. and my best friend is going to Fanime but I can't go see her.  T^T


mbc korean music wave, dbsk, changmin, yunho

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