May 24, 2006 00:01
I need to teach a bunch of 5-10 year olds to draw this weekend.
What do young'uns of that age like, nowadays? I was just planning to look up a bunch of Pokemon and... I dunno, Bratz [shudders].
I'd MUCH rather teach them to dance or something, but the parents would be angry because it's a freaking art class. Trying to get kids to sit the hell still and draw on the goddamned paper like you're drawing on the goddamned whiteboard is goddamned hard. I also didn't get to meet all of the kids, so this will be... interesting.
Don't get me wrong, though. I like kids and working with them... but more in a let's-make-a-campfire-out-of-candy-and-then-eat-it way (anyone here been a Scout?) than in the step-by-step drawing instructor way.
I guess I'm going to need PLENTY of sleep the night before.