I was given a letter by the ineffable TORY (aka THE NARCOLEPTIC NINJA) to meditate and muse upon and finally, through means thoughtful and well-worded, put to keyboard my 10 most favorite of favorites. If you would like a letter to similarily meditate upon, please request it! It is therefore with great PLESURE that I PRESENT to you,
- I have enjoyed PUMAS ever since the second grade, where I did a puppet show about them and got my first real grade in elementary school. They are enjoyable and interesting creatures and I have a reoccuring sort of dream about having a sleepover with their PUMA motorcycle gang. It's all good with PUMAS. Plus their name is so intimidating except, yeah, not really.
- Not the being on time variety, because I suck at that. But the period comma quoatation question exclamation (oh hell yes exclamation!!) that makes writing and conveying emotion just a little more enjoyable.
- Actually my least favorite of the Beatles but still a LOVE of mine because hell. What can't hey do together. The Beatles will forever remain my FAVORITE of favorite music groups and it will take a hell of a band to overcome that because it has been a love affair since the day I was born. The first movie I can remember watching is "The Yellow Submarine". The first game I remember playing consistently is pretending to be the Beatles. The first fear I had was the hissing the radiator made in conjunction with the opening on "Come Together". There's a history here, goddammit.
- I couldn't live without it. Sweet when you want sweet, salty when you want salty, topping a variety of other tasty things--yeah. Period. I love it.
- I have so many memories I associate with PAUL SIMON. Great movies, good times, childhood, books I've read, Saturday Night Live performances, ecetera ad nauseum. Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard? Anytime. Beautiful blending two part harmony of Simon & Garfunkle? Yes please yum thanks.
- This. This is what I am. In a word, it is the code of my life. You get the picture. Without PROCRASTINATION, and a skill at getting things done in the midst of the worst kinds of PROCRASTINATION, I would be literally up the fucking creek. Whether it's music or the internet or reading or drawing doodles in permanent marker or writing or twisting my ring around my finger, I love you. Cheers, PROCRASTINATION. You make the world go round.
- They cleverly come in your drinks. They're crepe paper. They're brightly colored. They double as a toothpick. They cheer you up. You can save them for later and totally mod out your room with them. Or, I mean, whatever. That's just me.
8. PIES.
- It would be a food group if I was Dictator For Life of the Universe. A food group consisting of all the tasty, delicious varieties of PIE. Hands down one of my favorite things to eat, ever, coming in second only to PIE crusts, which were handmade by God and sent down for my consumption.
- A little stereotypical, a little brash, a little romaticized, and a lot more popular now then they ever have been in a long time, I'll always swash the buckle of the PIRATE that approaches me. While winter is the season for ninjas and their secret tactics, summer is a time for PIRATES and high PIRACY of the Seven Seas. And I am definately in a mood for summer and PIRATICAL ADVENTURES. Myth Busters is doing an all-PIRATE episode tonight. Fuck yeah you better believe I'm there. There is nothing bad about PIRATES, and their recent popularity has only made it easier for long-time devotees and lovers (like myself) to properly show their love and support. PIRATES, stay classy.
- I think this is pretty self-explanatory. PILLOWS: what can't they do. I myself have about fifteen, some small some large, some hard some squashy. This could quickly turn into a dirty joke but it won't, because they're just pillows. Innocent of innocents in the bedding world.
I finally checked my mail today, for the first time since the semester started. INFLUX OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, I am happy to see you. You brightened up my day. (Especially PIE'S, that made me all kinds of smile.) POSTCARD FROM TORY, you are beautiful. Your llama graces my desktop now, please stay forever. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION OF MAKING THE DEAN'S LIST, you were most unexpected of all. You are recieved with mixed emotions, and God Bless classes all in my major that make it easy to be listed among said list.
Shit is already filling up for the semester, and I want to be like, why. I've had a plethora of easily-remembered dreams involving a lot of heists and gender-bending. And as I mentioned, inexplainably, PUMAS. Probably this is because I've been getting a lot more sleep lately. All it seems I do is sleep anymore. And brush my teeth, compuslively.
I AM going to put so much make up on my face that I look like an animal, though. So that's something positive.
A SONG OF ICE & FIRE TV SERIES? Say it ain't so! But it IS!!