aaahhh my usual "around 1 o'clock post from period 6 architecture"... i AM bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never have ANYTHING to do this period!!!!!!!! i always finish everything cause this class is sooo easy... my freshman and (even more immature) junior classmates are annoying, im bored... this sucks... mkay????
so this gives me an excuse to daydream... ~~~~~~MCR~~~~~~~~ FOB~~~~~~~~... yyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!
and occasionally i give band updates in my fine "around 1 o'clock posts from period 6 architecture" . heres the current deal with my band Third Person Triangle...
~me (bassist) and my brother (drummer) have written two more full songs, bringing us to 4 songs
~next me and my bro must teach them to the guitarists (our rythym guitartist is
angelcakes694if any of you know her...)
~we need to apply lyrics to them from
angelcakes694's big notebook of lyrics
~we still need a singer...
well thats 'bout it for now... this occupyed me for like 10mins... woooohooo!!!! now just 30 thrilling minutes to go... oh boy!!!!!!