[Walker Count: 3] ☣ So This Is How It Ends

Nov 28, 2011 17:02

[Day 3 | Streets of Mayfield | Open to all]It was getting harder to do anything. The air felt heavier, his head was pounding, and no matter how much he drank there was a continuous thirst like his body was missing something. Everyone on staff had been trained to know the affects of radiation poisoning, being a first responder he, Shane, and the ( Read more... )

[mayfield: out and about]

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zombee_slayer November 28 2011, 22:11:55 UTC
[Dempsey was making his usual rounds throughout the town, looking for anything of worth left behind by the dead or just abandonded when he came across a man in the street. Walking over to him and reaching down to grasp his shoulder.]

Hey, buddy you still alive?


wentthroughhell November 28 2011, 22:17:45 UTC
[More than just a little disoriented, Rick opened his eyes just enough to look up at Dempsey. He'd be dead soon- within the hour or less if he stayed out in the open. In that split second he had to laugh albeit weakly with slurred words.]

God Damn... Shane, you know how t' make an entrance.


zombee_slayer November 28 2011, 22:19:49 UTC
[Well now that answered his question.]

I ain't fucking Shane, name's Tank Dempsey. Now get up, this ain't a place a person should take a fucking nap at.


wentthroughhell November 28 2011, 22:30:13 UTC
[Wasn't Shane? It took longer than it should have for his eyes to adjust, but when they finally did he saw the blonde hair and a face he didn't know. Dempsey. He had said his name was Dempsey. Just as slowly realization started to hit him on the situation.]

Ea-easier said than done I'm afraid. Take my pack. It's.. got a few things in it. Food. Supplies- not gonna be needing them where I'm goin.


zombee_slayer November 28 2011, 22:32:20 UTC
And where the hell do you think you're going? [He attempts to pick him up off the ground with what little strength he has left for the day.]


wentthroughhell November 28 2011, 22:55:20 UTC
[Being pulled to his feet made his world spin. When Rick started to cough it turned in to a dry heave that brought nothing up. He hadn't managed to keep anything down all morning.]

Some place better than this? Fuck if I know. God has a shitty sense of humor.

[The former Deputy tried his best to get his feet under him because he'd be damned if he had to be dragged anywhere. Grimes boys were to stubborn like that.] Could always send me back home to a swarm of Walkers.


zombee_slayer November 28 2011, 23:20:31 UTC
[Then he'll just start dragging him back if he has to.]

No shit sherlock. Now hurry up, I got a place better than this piss hole.


wentthroughhell November 28 2011, 23:45:35 UTC
Oh so you have a way outta here?

[A very weak smile crossed Rick's face as he struggled to keep up with Tank. Even with the support his legs were not going to last forever making him hope this place was close by.]

I'm Rick... Rick Grimes. Gonna owe you a beer after this is all over.


zombee_slayer November 29 2011, 03:02:43 UTC
Yeah, got a safe house around here. Been lookin' for people and supplies.

[It didn't matter to him, as long as he could continue to carry the other person along.]

And you better fucking believe that I'll hold ya to that promise Rick.


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