Jun 11, 2011 17:16
Wen waved a hand, and two glasses of wine appeared on the stone.
'Everything is as important as everything else,' he said.
Susan grimaced. 'You know, that's why I've never liked philosophers,' she said. 'They make it all sound grand and simple, and then you step out into a world that's full of complications. I mean, look around. I bet this garden needs regular weeding, and the fountains have to be unblocked, and the peacocks shed feathers and dig up the lawn... and if they don't do that, then this is just a fake.'
'No, everything is real,' said Wen. 'At least, it is as real as anything else. But this is a perfect moment.' He smiled at Susan again. 'Against one perfect moment, the centuries beat in vain.'
'I'd prefer a more specific philosophy,' said Susan. She tried the wine. It was perfect.
'Certainly. I expected that you would. I see you cling to logic as a limpet clings to a rock in a storm. Let me see... Defend the small spaces, don't run with scissors, and remember that there is often an unexpected chocolate,' said Wen. He smiled 'And never resist a perfect moment.'
~Thief of Time, Terry Pratchett
I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. I finished grad school, I got a job, I lived through a few earthquakes... But I’ve been reading a book called The Happiness Project (Gretchen Rubin - highly recommended) which talks a lot about both pursuing passions and about deliberately taking time to enjoy those passions and recognise the joy you pull from them. And it also shares a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson, “There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.” and talks about how much research has been done into how happiness can be spread from person to person, *if* you’re willing to put the effort in to share.
So, this is me, putting in the effort to share: here’s a perfect moment for you.