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The rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you've read that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes.
edit: Whoops, after finishing this, I realize I probably misinterpreted this--so instead, it's books with scenes that stuck with me, good or otherwise.
No particular order:
--House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
A horror novel that actual got under my skin, mostly because it was about a house where the INSIDE DIMENSIONS WERE LIKE HALF AN INCH LARGER THAN THE OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS. This type of thing is VERY unsettling to my mind, and freaks me out like whoa. Psychological freakout ahoy! The book-within-a-book thing doesn't work so well (the framing story sucks) and some of the gimmicky design tricks are just that, but I still think about that HOUSE.
--Sabriel by Garth Nix
First came across this in 7th grade, and I will forever remember it as 'the book that mentioned some dude's circumcised dick'. Hey, it's pretty good aside from that--necromancers, zombies, magic!
--Mattimeo by Brian Jacques
I was in fifth grade, and I was having a hard time figuring out what types of books I wanted to read. 'Mattimeo' caught my eye because it was thick, was medieval-ish, and featured talking animals. Read it, never forgot about the evil fox who gets his face fucked up by a
--Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
7th grade, first book I read that had a sex scene IIRC. Never finished it.
--My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
Read this in middle school, loved the idea of living in the woods in a fucking tree. IN A TREE, not even a treehouse. Also loved the idea of having a trained hawk that'd hunt for me, and at one point the narrator makes this gourmet-sounding puffball mushroom soup. IDEK, but that all stuck.
--The Hatchet by Terry Paulsen
Read this around the same time as My Side of the Mountain, and this stuck with me for completely DIFFERENT reasons. Notably--the woods are DANGEROUS, and if you're stuck alone in the wilderness, you probably aren't making gourmet meals and living in a pimped-out tree. No, you're probably vomiting up poison berries and getting mauled by moose in heat.
--Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George
Man, this woman wrote a lot of books that glamorized living in the wild. Take 'Grizzly Man', swap out the bears for wolves and the dude with a young girl, and you have this book. I remember reading this around sixth grade and how the narrator was able to tame a squirrel by twitching her finger like a squirrel tail. In the real world, this doesn't seem to work.
--Perdido Street Station by China Miéville
This author is really interested in world building and details details details, and this was the first book of his that I read. Scarab beetle-headed people, mindsucking vampire moths and giant robot skeleton brain things are just the tip of the iceberg.
--Uglies/Pretties/Specials/Extras series by Scott Westerfeld
Young-adult future dystopia books about body mods and lobotomies. And HOVERBOARDS, which is the parts I remember best. I don't like Westerfeld's new steampunk novels, but I love love love how he wrote the hoverboard-riding in this particular series.
--The Golden Compass by Philip Pulman
--The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Read this fairly recently--really REALLY loved the sense of foreboding and dread that the author was able to cull up by the crazy crazy evil guy that a student accidentally summons, and the ensuing scene where the guy eats someone in the class. Spooky.
--American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Reverse birth/eating someone vaginally
--Daughter of Blood by Anne Bishop
Thanks to
krissybeth, this book gave me scarring mental images of castrated dudes with feathers in place of peens.
--Fear Street Series, R.L. Stine
I used to go into bookstores and flip to the final three chapters, where horrific violence precluded the answer to the mystery. Books of note--The Cataluna Chronicles (evil witch car), the one involving some dude getting decapitated while skiing, and the one set in the past where someone gets brained by a horse.
--Ranma 1/2
After I first started getting into manga, this was the first with nudity! Which freaked me out, since I thought my mom was gonna find out and get angry or something.