fffff it's ffffffebruary

Feb 02, 2011 10:17

Man, February is the WORST. The WORST MONTH. Thank goodness it's the shortest month, because it's cold and snowy and lame and I don't get President's Day off.

I guess on the flipside the SPN animu comes out this month?

Oh, there was Hourly Comic Day, and I stupidly decided to do it again even though I have my job and commute and usually can't be bothered. But COMICS, man, COMICS! I think I may have done a better job last year, but I also was lazy in scanning and cleaning up yesterday orz. POST-IT NOTES MAKE GOOD COMIC PANELS, Y/N?

Also, update to my Nic Cage resolution:
National Treasure
National Treasure 2
Leaving Las Vegas OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE SUCKED what is the movie where there's a bunch of Elvis impersonators? Was that 3000 Miles to Graceland, or what?

This weekend will probably be Nic Cage-less, but I've got Blade and the live-action Dragon Ball Z movie OH BOY STUPIDBAD MOVIETIME!
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