30 Days of PosiTIVA challenge, day 18

Sep 07, 2011 07:16

Day 18 "SHow me fire"

Okay, finished mine ahead of
time this time! Another difficult prompt for today. But as I was
browsing through screencaps and episodes I stumbled upon an
unfinished project I started for another prompt but didn't use. It seems
a perfect fit for this prompt.
They banter a lot, they tease a lot
but when they argue and I mean REALLY argue/fight there is such a
passion, such a fire in it that not only comes from them being angry
with each other but also because of the feelings for the other. In my
opinion all arguments between these two have stemmed from the need to
protect the other and in this scene it came very close to actually
acknowledging those feelings....

ncis: tony/ziva, ncis, 30 days of positiva, ncis: tiva!squee

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