Nov 08, 2005 23:03
My brother deleted all my music files off his computer before I could transfer them across! I've now lost all the music that was on there. Most of it should hopefully be on disk, but I know for a fact that I didn't copy across the Sernity soundtrack. *looks cross*
In other news, I am going to KU this weekend. Must admit the only reason I am going is for Cernac's vigil, otherwise I found myself severly lacking in enthusiasm.
I have a day off Thursday and with a list of things as long as my arm, I really didn't want to add 'hurried garb making' to the list. I do not own a shirt or underdress. The black shirt I had is definately dead, and the blue armour is uncomfortable and currently in bits. The blue dress it self I'm not overly fond of, it's so uncomfortable.
My tidy red dress is also in need of much need love and attention.
And that about covers my entire garb collection...
I need to figure out a comfortable, easy to make, doesn't make me feel frumpy and horrible era of clothing that I can make. Shame I just don't have the space or money this month to make garb.