Title: Kismet
Author: Mai
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 200+
Summary: YunHo discovers the meaning of life.
Note: Because it felt necessary to post something. Ending is a bit abrupt - I'm not sure how to continue it. Suggestions are welcome!
it is (at most) once in a lifetime that anyone experiences a moment of pure kismet - complete understanding of the cosmic order of things. some never realize it, others do on their deathbed, and a few are lucky enough to find their purpose some time during late adulthood.
yunho has his moment when he is ten years old, on a visit to an aunt with a newborn baby girl.
at first, he doesn't understood the fuss. why is his mother (and practically all his female relatives, for that matter) spending all her time cooing over a "poop machine"? why does his uncle look on so proudly while she wails and screams, demanding this and that without even the courtesy to use real words? what's so interesting about her when she finally calms down enough to sleep that everyone has to crowd around her crib?
his father tells him, "you'll understand when you're older," but yunho is not known for his patience. he needs to understand now. so he asks to hold the baby, reasoning that a closer inspection will reveal her secrets.
from the moment she grins toothlessly up at him, flailing her arms until she finally manages to grab ahold of his finger, yunho dreams of becoming a father. this, he realizes while looking up at his own father's oddly tender expression, must be it. this is what life is worth living for. well, this and fudgsicles on a hot summer afternoon.