Meccha Guccha

Jun 05, 2010 03:46

okay time to give a decent update on my life now. i owe so many people updates. detailed updates. will try to put details under a cut. :)


Work has been great. Being the youngest and one of the very few ladies in the department, I get lots of advice and encouragement from the seniors.

Started to get used to the field work, just not very happy about the strict dress code. Polo-tee and long jeans. No 3/4 pants like I wore today. :/ I need more polo-tees. And proper shoes.

My 3rd week was just over, yet I haven't got any of the official stuff. Stuff like my staff card and my email account. I can't log in to computers to do work and it's really troublesome and not very nice to keep disturbing people to lend me their account for me to do proper work. :/

But well, what must be given will be given, no point fretting over it. :)

I haven't started doing my work alone yet, more challenges waiting to be faced! *raise fist*
Things I miss

After graduation I miss the time when we can talk about everything we want. We didn't have to consider if telling trusted people is safe or not; we didn't have to think about any possible negative consequences if the thoughts are verbalized; we didn't have to worry if the impression people had of us will change if we said what we wanted to say.

These were what I were thinking and considering these days.


I miss sitting at some cafe reading a magazine, with my favourite music plugged into my ear, my mind fully relaxed, with a cup of coffee in front of me on the table.

I used to do that a lot during the job-seeking period, just that I wasn't reading any book, nor was I relaxed. Haha. I was scribbling lame phrases in my notebook about how much I want to get a job....and stuff like that.

The grass is always greener on the other side. ;)


I sound weird, but I miss the long 22 stop train ride to school from east to west everyday. I enjoy that 45 minutes (90 to be exact. Inclusive of the return trip) the most.

I stare into space, text my friends while nodding off and end up sending weird texts, sleep, stare at weird people, stand in front of a seat during the rush hour and hope hard for that kid to get off that seat............~

Japanese stuff

Did not know what to expect when Monster was released. All I know is that it's rather dark and vampire-ish (??) and Addam's Family-ish (...?). Initially I was a teeny weeny bit disappointed when the chorus sounded somewhat positive to me. Not full of sharps and flats or Minor chords. Then it started to grow on me as usual so.... yeah. I haven't heard Spiral as many times yet. D:

Kanjani8! My new craze. :p Seriously. New single on 30th!!! I'm looking forward to hear how different the remixed version of Wahhahha and Rolling Coaster (why not rollER coaster...?) will be like. Both are among the few of my favourite K8 songs!

Is starting to get inspired by these Japanese artistes (I refuse to call them Idols) (Arashi and Kanjani8).

Well, in Arashi, Sakurai is the most respected cuz he graduated from uni~~ and these kind of stuff. At least to me, I respect him for his perseverance when he was still studying and is in Arashi at the same time. I watched his Shounen Club Premium interview, he said since he don't want to not do well in school and blame it on his career; he wants to do his best for both. Yes, that was really cool.

Kanjani8 inspires me in a different way. Especially Yoko and Maru(<3). The group practically just fools around in variety shows, get smacked and get scolded for being too noisy. To people who don't know them they're just a bunch of jokers.

But to my surprise, they think and observe a lot. Maybe it's really like what Nino (...?) said before: only people who are really smart can become a real idiot on TV. Or somewhere along that line. :p

Or maybe it was the long Jr. period which makes them so full of thanksgiving, so full of observance and positive is life.

Well, Arashi and Kanjani8 are funny and inspiring in different ways yeah. I never thought I'll be this inspired. HAHA. 

All other stuff

Random fact about my iTunes: K8's Puzzle was played 64 times. all other songs were played at most 23 times. :p Can't help it, lyrics and Maru's voice was too nice to not repeat it! :p

I managed to clear one cupboard full of stuff. It's now empty. Am VERY proud of myself.


Good night/ Morning world. *YAWWWWWN*


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