Mar 01, 2005 23:13
i had the weirdest dream ever the other night.
it starts off with me waking up and trying to get ready for school (high school). after scrambling to get my hw and lunch, i discver that there is some random girl i don't know who i am supposed to drive to school. we get in the car, only instead of going to school, we end up at an amusement park.
at the amusement park, there was a big scary roller coaster that i wanted to ride called "the rise of hitler." like the movie title. i see a girl getting off the ride, and she was so traumatized by it that she went into shock and stopped breathing. nevertheless, i was eager to get on the ride. while i'm waiting for the ride to start, i'm gripping the arm of the guy next to me, out of fear. there is a girl sitting behind me who i recognize. i then go off on a little thought tangent withing the dream, thnking about the girl she reminds me of, and how i haven't spoken to her in a while, and i should try to look her up on facebook (haha. i'm a loser, i know)... yadda yadda yadda. the ride ends, and i ehad back to my apartment.
once i am home, i try to straighten my hair, and nearly set the couch on fire.
then i leave and go to the rabbi's house. the rabbi starts announcing to everyone that i'm a lesbian. i get embarassed, and i'm about to leave when... I GET INFECTED.
yep, i get infected by a zombie fish serum. i go back to my house, and i'm drawn toward a fish tank and then I DIE. my body is leaning over the fish tank, with my face floating in the water. then all the fishes start to eat my face. very creepy. somehow, this face-eating revivies me, and i look normal, only i have INCREDIBLE BASEBALL SKILLS. anytime someone threw a ball at me, i could catch it. people tried to peg me in the back of the head with a baseball, and i caught the ball in a flash without even glancing behind me. additionally, i had amazing pitchoing skills. i could throw a ball anywhere with complete accuracy. not only that, but the more time i swung my arm before releasing the ball, the crazier the path of the ball. if i swung my arm several times, it would ricochet of walls, bounce off the ceiling, fly between someone's legs, and end up back in my hand.
then a giant fish latched onto my back, and i woke up.
i wonder if this means anything...
any dream analysts out there?