I have known Rayanne for _____________
In the time that I've known her, I've come to the analysis that she is ________________
My fondest memory spent with Rayanne is __________________
Rayanne has had _________ sexual encounter/s with me.
Rayanne is a ___________________
Rayanne likes it _______________
One thing Rayanne needs to improve on is
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In the time that I've known her, I've come to the analysis that she is a really fun person with a wiiide vocabulary lol
My fondest memory spent with Rayanne is um meeting her at my spring concert!
Rayanne has had no sexual encounter/s with me.
Rayanne is filipino I think...
Rayanne likes freakin' naughty! lol iono...
One thing Rayanne needs to improve on is umm spelling lol iono
One thing Rayanne has mastered is remembering to include 'I love Remy' at the bottom of each of her posts.
Rayanne's idea of a good time is hanging out with Remy...
Every time I see Rayanne her live journal (?? lol) changes
Rayanne was a totally cool chick in high school.
Rayanne thinks she's short but she’s not.
Rayanne isn’t nearly as quiet as she seems.
Rayanne's best quality is her personality! and her smile!
Rayanne's worst quality is... I haven't found it yet
All in all I think Rayanne is an uber shibby chick!
I'm happy I have Rayanne in my life
lol I don't know you that well so this was hard to take... but I'm getting to know you you shibby chick... lol well ima go- Luvvs ya! Andrea
<3 rayanne
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