Jun 09, 2010 17:28
Well, my son got 21 days..... for something I won't even go into - suffice it to say, this time, it wasn't something he should have had to go to court on. I *am* in the process of taking care of the cause - several people are going to regret pulling that little stunt. I always knew teenagers were vicious, petty creatures.. but this incident takes the cake, and there will be retribution that will reverberate clear down the line to their many times great grandchildren.
Everyone who reads my journal on anything resembling a semi-regular basis knows what a pain in the ass my son has been for years. It's rare I'll stand up and say "hey, he's done a lot of shit, but he didn't do THAT." This, however, is one of those times. Yes, he drives me stark raving mad. Yes, he's caused me financial problems that I still can't see the end of. Yes, he's caused me no end of heartache, sleepless nights, anxiety, worry, anger, depression, hopelessness and despair..... but that doesn't mean I'm going to stand for him being railroaded by a petty, selfish, vengeful, spiteful little bitch who couldn't take 'no' for an answer, and just HAD to play her own twisted little game. Guess what, sugarbuns? You ain't seen twisted games - yet. But you will. You will know the meaning of despair - not your little emo bullshit wannabe despair, dearling, but true despair. You'll know what it is to be caught up in a twisted web of bullshit, helpless to stop what's happening to you, for the pettiest of reasons..... I've got about 30 years on you, little bitchlette, and in those thirty years before you were a gleam in your mama's eye, I learned many ways to drive my point home, many of which you can only imagine in your worst nightmares.
Yes, my son is a major dickhead at times, but he's my son, and you've broken rule number one: DO NOT MESS WITH MINE. You will live to regret it.
Now Imma fall over for the next 72 hours or so..... I am so exhausted x.x