... hubby now has a LJ! Go friend him if you wish - he's still trying to figure out this whole LJ thing and the "but what do I do with it?" stuff. I pointed him in the direction of some good communities that I think he'd like, and he's going to start searching down more KISS and Robotech comms and such (anyone on the ol' flist know anything about those comms?)
Anyhoo, his username is
rualon. So if you see him show up on your friendslist, he's not a psycho stalker. Well, not yet.
In other news, week was busy. Weekend was also busy. Friday babysat a friend's youngster (another SW-lover - we played lightsabers in the backyard for half the night :) ). Yesterday went to charity softball event to watch hubby play. They had a really strange tournament setup, which ended up causing hubby's team (which won the tourney, by the way) to play three times when there was only four teams in the tournament. Of course, in the third game, hubby went sprinting like he was a 20-year old and pulled his calf muscle on the way to first base. He is now El-limpo. At least they won - anything else would've made his self-sacrifice meaningless.
So as he iced his leg and hung out with Prince Brat, I went last night to get some food and drinks with
jesskastar by my lonesome. (She's the one I met at Ravencon ~waves~ :) ) Great fun, great conversation. Glad she came to visit this neck of the woods!
Today - shopping and picked up the new dueling blade for hubby's saber that came in on Friday. Of course, he can't use it yet with his bad leg, but he's put it on his hilt from the Lazy-Boy and admired the pretty colors ;)
Drabble meme results - Part One of Five
mme_de_bergerac asked for: HP, please, maybe cloak universe?
three words:
bear, beer, bar
Thank you!
Here goes - keep in mind I suck at drabbles, and they are NEVER just 100 words ;) Probably not what you had in mind,
mme_de_bergerac, but it's the plot bunny that hit....
A bead of sweat fell onto the page and slowly spread, eventually touching the very edge of a thin red line. Viktor Krum watched as the edges of the word he had just written feathered out, mixing with his sweat. It was just one more ingredient to the mixture - one that shouldn't be there, to be certain, but it wouldn't impede his progress.
What little there was.
The Call surged and faded at the most inopportune times... he needed to continue, but the quill in his hand remained still. With a curse, he flung it from him, watching in disgust as the ink left a bloody trail down the stone wall; it was one more stain to add to the mixture that already adorned the walls of the abandoned Muggle bar - beer and sweat, old vomit and even older blood.
With a sigh, he rubbed his eyes. The blood of the Dark Lord, mixed with his, should have unlocked the secrets that he needed - that they needed. After dragging the body of the Dark Lord from the scene of what was dubbed "The Final Battle", he had written and written, replenishing his supply of ink as needed from the magically preserved corpse, trying in vain to find a way to restore the Dark Lord's soul to his body. A half-dozen Books of the Blood were stacked in the corner, and not a single one had revealed what he needed to know.
Each step seems but a small one.
There was nothing else to do, but try again. His hands shook - fatigue, he knew, but the thought was a distant one as he retrieved the quill and sat once again, letting the Call guide his hand. With each Book completed, he came closer and closer to the answer. Closer and closer to the power he would need to win Hermione back.
I'll get the rest finished up and posted shortly... along with the chapters of my WIPs!!!