Hellooooo, LJ-land!

Sep 19, 2011 18:37

Thank you thank you thank you to rillalicious for her super lightning fast beta work on my hp_tarot fic!!!!

My first HP fanfiction in years... I realized how much I missed it while writing :). It's definitely different than my previous work, and different than I'd originally intended, but I'm happy with it. IF anyone's interested, I've just posted it to the community here:

In RL news, things are going fine. Work's fine, kiddo is doing great (he's 10!! TEN!!), husband is fine. We're quite boring, really., We did make it to Dragon*Con this year, and Prince Brat was all goggle-eyed *whoa* *whoa* *WHOA* at a lot of the superhero lady costumes, fairy costumes, and his absolute favorite: Poison Ivy costumes. He's definitely growing up ;).


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