Day 3 of the New Year

Jan 03, 2010 13:14

The meme requires I post my favorite television series. Again, this is tough... I think I just like too many things.

Favorite of all time would have to be Star Trek (ALL of them - yeah, I'm cheating! In order of my faves... Original Series, then Next Gen, then DS9, then Voyager, then Enterprise).

Favorite that is currently in production... I'll have to say Lost. I can't wait for this final season to begin. Once the writers had an "end point" to write towards, bam! plot lines started really getting tight and direct. Loving it.

In non-meme news - it is now 220 days until Celebration V. SQUEE!! The Blizzard Force (Snowtrooper regiment) can't wait to so some photo ops at the Orlando Ice Bar (and some vodka concoctions, of course).
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