Fic: Douceur 1/1

Aug 15, 2008 12:09

Story: Douceur
Author: wmr wendymr
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Ninth Doctor
Rated: PG13/Teen
Disclaimer: If these characters were mine, a lot more would have happened on screen than we saw!
Spoilers: None beyond Doomsday
Summary: They can only do this once, he knows that, and it’s going to be the experience of a lifetime. ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, tenth doctor, jack harkness, ninth doctor, rose tyler, ot3

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dameruth August 15 2008, 17:33:36 UTC
Aw. So sweet, it doesn't even "process" as remotely kinky, even though theoretically it probably should . . . ;) :D


wendymr August 15 2008, 22:41:16 UTC
Thank you! Yes, it should be kinky, but my brain simply baulked at the thought of getting explicit as to body parts and reactions... ;)


dameruth August 16 2008, 03:06:51 UTC
Well, I mean, the whole thing about a foursome where another version of yourself is one of the participants . . . if not "kinky" per se, that's definitely *different* -- but you made it all sound like a *good* thing. :D


wendymr August 16 2008, 18:14:31 UTC
Well, yes, there is that question of whether the Doctor shagging one of his other bodies is masturbation or not ;) I kind of sit on the fence on that one; yes, each regeneration is the same person, but they're also different in so many ways, so it's like shagging yourself yet not :) At least, that's how I justified it when I wrote a fic that was all Ten shagging Nine!


dameruth August 16 2008, 18:20:45 UTC
Oh, yeah, never said it was *immoral* or anything -- heh, see the dicussion over on bulky_monster's website . . .

(Remind me if I need to let you in on the 6-minute bunny joke . . .)


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