How has your Who been so far?

May 17, 2008 22:05

Well, we're just past  the mid-way point of this year, and with that and no episode next week it seems like a good time to sit back and take stock. How is this year doing in comparison to others?

First of all, I absolutely adore Donna. As I said a few weeks ago, I take back absolutely everything I said when I first heard that she'd be the companion this year. She's strong, determined, intelligent; uses her life experiences well when needed, is empathetic and supportive and, almost best of all, doesn't hero-worship the Doctor. She won't put up with his arrogance or self-importance, and when she thinks he needs a kick in the ego she delivers it. She's also there when he needs support, though, and I love that as well. Oh, there've been a couple of moments when she's been a bit shouty still, and one moment when she grated on me a bit, but overall she's shot to the top of my favourite companion list. I still ship Doctor/Rose (and Jack) but Donna' s my favourite companion.

I'm loving the Doctor this year, too. It's so good to see happyDoctor again, after last year. Yes, he's got every right to be miserable, and I like the angst as well, but he got too dark last year, even unlikeable in places. I'm enjoying every episode again right now, instead of - as last year - gritting my teeth a lot of the time and waiting for it to get better.

And now to my thoughts on individual episodes.

Partners in Crime
Loved it, right from the opening sequence. This is the Doctor Who I love: fun, exciting, thrilling, danger here and there, sparkling dialogue and, of course, Doctor-angst. That moment when he was babbling on and then realised he was all alone tore at my heartstrings. Donna was fantastic in the cupboard scene, noticing that he looked more careworn, asking if he was still alone and showing that she cared. And, of course, she had the second capsule! This episode didn't even need UnexpectedRose to delight me. Also, so much love the Doctor admitting that he didn't want to be alone and also telling Donna that he got things wrong with Martha - he can learn! Love, too, for Wilf and for the flypast.   9/10

The Fires of Pompeii
The TARDIS Doctor gets their destination wrong again! And Donna's the one who works it out! Love the Del-Boy stallholder and selling the TARDIS. Not so keen on the weirdly-made-up women, but okay. Lots of fun in-jokes in this episode, too, and the prophecies are very intriguing. But the best moment this year so far is when the Doctor realises that he destroys Pompeii and all those poor people, and Donna shares the responsibility with him. Also, too, when she makes him go back to save Caecilius and his family, and he thanks her afterwards. Sheer love.  10/10

The Planet of the Ood
More consequences! The Doctor very blithely left the Ood behind to die in The Satan Pit. And now he finds out what their race has suffered. Good to see that, for once, aliens aren't the bad guys. Loved Donna completely ignoring the Doctor expounding yet again and going to get herself a coat. Yes, this episode has some weak points, and some have commented that the Doctor taking it upon himself to push the crucial button was an act of self-aggrandisement when others deserved it more. But much, much love for the Ood's song and for Donna's empathy and wanting to hear it. . 
neadods has also praised her for having the courage to say that it was too much; yes, that too. Another intriguing prophecy at the end, as well.  8/10

The Sontaran Strategem
I've never been fond of the military or dramas with that as a theme, so didn't expect to enjoy this two-parter all that much. But this did have its good moments: Martha's fiancé is Tom Milligan, yay! Donna and Martha not fighting, and the Doctor wishing they would. (And Prawn!) Donna demanding - and getting - a salute from Mace. Ross! The Doctor thinking Donna wants to leave him, and actually telling her how much her being with him has meant to him. Seeing Donna's family again - that's something I've really loved about New Who, that we actually get to see the conflict companions face between their families and the Doctor. Rolling-eyes at it not occuring to the Doctor just to smash the windscreen to rescue Wilf - pathetic cliffhanger, that.  7/10

The Poison Sky
Loved that the Doctor instantly knew Martha was a clone - his treatment of her was so obviously distant and colder. Had to laugh at Donna's reaction to getting the key; the Doctor's all this is quite a touching moment, really, and she's all shut up and do it later, I'm getting inside so I can breathe! Yes, Donna was a bit slow on the uptake once she realised the Doctor wanted her to phone him, but once they were speaking she was brilliant. Scared, but perfect. Then, later, when the Doctor is ready to sacrifice himself to save the planet, the three of them are fantastic. That entire scene brought a lump to my throat, and Donna smacking the Doctor was just right.  8/10

The Doctor's Daughter
I know a lot of people thought that the clone-armies and seven-day war plot was a bit implausible. I barely noticed. As is always the case for me when the character plot is so well done that I'm barely able to breathe as I watch, I simply didn't care about the rest of the story. DT did a fantastic job of acting in this episode, and three scenes stand out: in the cell, talking about soldiers and wars and Time Lords; the I've been a father before conversation with Donna; and Jenny's death. I do wish that the Doctor hadn't been left in ignorance of Jenny's 'resurrection'; that really does echo 
sensiblecat's comment that the misery is just being heaped on him over and over. Every time he's given something, however small, it's taken away again. How much can he stand?  9/10

The Wasp and the Unicorn
For me, this was the weakest episode this year. Yes, it's nice to have some humour in amidst all the angst, but this particular episode was farce, which is a style of humour I've always found unwatchable. Give me Partners in Crime-style humour instead, please! Some fun moments: I did enjoy the Dickens/TUD reference, Agatha Christie was brilliant and the kiss was hilarious. But overall it had something of a Tooth and Claw feel to it, though: the Doctor and his companion giggling and being giddy as people were killed all around them and their family and friends grieved. Also, Donna's repeated so s/he's the murderer? made me cringe.   5/10

Overall verdict: I am loving this year. Unlike last year, where most episodes left me disappointed and just hoping that things would get better soon, each episode I watch (with the exception of tonight's, and even that I didn't dislike) leaves me more satisfied and eager for the next. Even were characters I adore - Rose, Jackie and Jack - not returning later this season, I'd still be ecstatic and eagerly awaiting the rest of the episodes. This is the Doctor Who I love, and I'm sorry that we're already more than halfway through the year.

I'm also very much enjoying, and intrigued by, the continual, ongoing references back to episodes in S1 and S2. There've been far too many for it to be coincidence. That really does make me think that this season is heading towards some kind of culmination/tying up of everything since New Who started, which also makes me suspect that we may not see any of these companions back in future seasons. We'll see. And I'm hoping I don't find out the truth before I'm intended to!

Now for the poll - which I wanted behind the cut, but whatever I did I couldn't seem to manage it, and every time I try to edit I lose half the entry :P   And, please, if you comment, no spoilers for future episodes in the comments!

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