Lewis drabble: Attentive to Detail

Jan 22, 2013 22:06

Story: Attentive to Detail
Author: wendymr
Characters: Robbie Lewis, James Hathaway, a rucksack and a certain flag ;)
Rated: G
Spoilers: minor spoiler for 7.02 The Ramblin' Boy Part 1
Summary: "How very observant of you, sir."

Written in response to this discussion on inspector_lewis, concerning a prop used in The Ramblin' Boy. Although the prop is a spoiler, it does not reveal any plot details, so this is safe to read unless you're completely spoiler-phobic.

Attentive to Detail

"Is that a Pride flag on your rucksack?"

"How very observant of you, sir. And there I was thinking you really needed to visit an optometrist."

"There's nothing wrong with my eyes, smartarse."

"No? You've been having problems for years, sir."

“Bloody well have not. I still have twenty-twenty vision, I’ll have you know, which is considerably better than yours, with your funny-shaped eyeballs.”

“I beg to disagree.”

“On what grounds?”

“On the grounds that I’ve worn a Pride flag at least once a week for years, and you never noticed.”


“On my ankles. It’s on the lavender socks.”

james hathaway, lewis, drabble, fic, robbie lewis

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