Advent Drabble 12: Secret Ingredient

Dec 05, 2012 20:59

Story: Secret Ingredient
Author: wendymr
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rated: G
Summary:  "I really thought that was it."

Written for taffimai's prompt in my Advent Drabbles request post. With thanks to yamx for the idea :)

Secret Ingredient

“I never would’ve believed that if I hadn’t seen it.”

“Yeah, I really thought that was it. Burned alive.” Rose shivers.

“I’d’ve got us out,” the Doctor protests. Jack and Rose exchange glances.

“Still, it was pretty amazing,” Rose says.

“Nothin’ special. Chemical in the silk that rots the fibre this lot use to make rope. Spin a bit, drop it down an’ we’re free.”

“Why would they rescue us?”

The Doctor shrugs. “Guerilla warfare. The Sh’lobs hate the Serket.”

“Lucky for us.”

“Yeah. ‘m never killing a spider again.”

“Shh!” Jack and the Doctor glance back, then wince. “Run!"

jack harkness, ninth doctor, drabble, rose tyler, fic, ot3

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