Advent Drabble 1: Vigil

Nov 24, 2012 15:27

Story: Vigil
Author: wendymr
Fandom/Character: Sherlock/Mycroft Holmes
Rated: G
Summary: Waiting.

Written for joking's request in my Advent Drabbles post.


After a while, the darkness is comforting. When you can’t see, it’s possible to pretend that your hands aren’t shaking.

It’s been almost nine hours. Surely, by now, if all had gone well...

But there were risks. You both knew that. And you have your instructions, just in case- But it will not be necessary. It cannot be. You prepared for every contingency, and Sherlock is rarely fallible.

Rarely - but not never.

A hushed footfall shatters the silence. You aren’t alone any more. “Sherlock?”

“Obviously. Worried, brother dear? Surely not.”


Darkness, mercifully, also means he can’t see you’re lying.

Further requests welcome here!

mycroft, sherlock, drabble, fic

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