Support Stacie (April) March Auction!

Mar 10, 2010 23:13

The next Support Stacie auction is almost upon us! I've signed up again and am offering a 5000-word minimum fic to the highest bidder. I'm willing to consider sequels to existing stories - so all of you who wanted more in the Through A Glass Darkly universe, this could be your opportunity!

There are other DW authors and artists up for grabs, and you'll see them in the Doctor Who Auction Forum. It's still early days; the registration deadline is March 22nd, and there will be more talented people on the block by then. It's not restricted to fic: want a new LJ header or layout? mitashade, who does gorgeous work, is offering her skills.

If you are planning to sign up, then you'll find all the registration instructions here. Come and join in the fun!

OT3 Support Stacie banner by lindenharp

And please pimp this auction in your own LJ! 

fic auction

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