Looking for an excuse to write OT3?

Jan 21, 2010 20:11

No, there won't be an OT3 ficathon as such this year; but betterwiththree, has just announced the Alternative Universe fic challenge event.

What does that mean? The OT3 (any version of the Doctor with Rose and Jack) as we did not see them in canon. This can mean fics set in Pete's World, or alternative histories for any or all of the characters, or an alternative direction of their story after a major divergence from canon. If you need inspiration, the post on betterwiththree links to some discussion threads in which AU plot suggestions were made.

There's no sign-up, as such - just write and post your fic any time between now and the start of S5. But do drop into the challenge thread to discuss, cheerlead, suggest ideas or just throw rotten tomatoes ;)


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