Fic: Through A Glass Darkly 3/5?

Oct 26, 2009 21:22

Story: Through A Glass Darkly
Author: wmr / wendymr
Characters: Rose Tyler, AU Ninth Doctor, AU Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler
Rated: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately, though I'm willing to pay in instalments...
Summary: It’s only when she’s finally given up looking for a way back that she finds him.

Written for the incredibly generous wiggiemomsi, who ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, jack harkness, ninth doctor, rose tyler, fic, ot3

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Comments 47

sumeria October 27 2009, 01:59:01 UTC
Heh. That could have gone better. Traumatized!Jack's really not that good at making nice with people who irritate him, is he?

But I keep really liking the dynamic you're building in this story; it's a fresh and interesting take on our heroes, but it still manages to be be very *them*.


joking October 27 2009, 02:08:04 UTC
Off topic, but your icon made me geek-squee.


gwynraven October 27 2009, 02:58:48 UTC
Ok, I'm a geek, but not geek enough I guess. What's the binary translate to?

Oh, and great chapter!


joking October 27 2009, 03:45:27 UTC
Nine, of course!


joking October 27 2009, 02:07:03 UTC
First off, alt!Nine and alt!Jack are so sweet together. I just want to give alt!Jack a hug. Even without knowing his past, he really stirs sympathy. I liked your explanation of why alt!Nine is relatively unscathed.

Stuck on the TARDIS with one person who doesn’t want her around at all, and another who, although he seems relaxed about having her around, is always going to have his first loyalties elsewhere.

If you switch around the pronouns, this isn't too different from Jack's situation when he first joined the TARDIS. Interesting parallel.


wendymr November 3 2009, 01:32:55 UTC
Oh, you saw what I was doing! Fantastic! Yes, I'm putting Rose in exactly Jack's position here, and she realises it.

I'm glad you're sympathetic to Jack, though I note that not everyone's cutting him the same amount of slack. I wonder what sort of reactions I'll get to chapter 4?

Thank you!


sahiya October 27 2009, 02:07:20 UTC
Oh God, Rose, and you think Jack chose the most hurtful thing he could possibly say? Granted, she doesn't know about Jack's survival guilt, but still . . .

Really, really enjoying this. I'm surprised there are only two parts left, though. Seems like it'd take them awhile to work through everything.


wendymr November 3 2009, 01:34:30 UTC
Well, I'd say they were both doing a pretty good job of saying hurtful things to each other, really.

As for how many chapters there are to come, I haven't finished writing this yet, and one thing that can always be said about my multi-chapter storytelling is that it expands to fill whatever space might be available... Right now, it's looking as if there will need to be a sixth chapter.

Thank you! :)


juliet316 October 27 2009, 02:19:11 UTC
Needs saying again. Poor Rose. No way to get back to her Doctor, and stuck with a different Doctor than what she's used to and a hostile!Jack.


wendymr November 3 2009, 01:35:15 UTC
Yes, poor Rose - she's not going back to her Doctor, and things aren't exactly brilliant for her. But can they get better? Time will tell!

Thanks for commenting :)


honorh October 27 2009, 02:21:49 UTC
Yeah, Jack, you're doing real well with that "make friends with Rose Tyler" thing. Lucky for you, she wasn't in a slapping mood. Well, just a verbal-bitchslapping mood.

Man, I feel sorry for all of them. Rose, because she's just found out the devastating truth that she can't get back to her Doctor, she can't be with her family more than for occasional visits, and she's traveling with two men who look like, but aren't, the men she loves. Jack, because he must have major baggage to be acting like such a prick, though that potshot about Rose and her Doctor makes my sympathy for him less than it could be. And the Doctor, who's got two emo humans on his hands, which he cannot like. About the only one who's handling this well is the TARDIS. More soon, please?


wendymr November 3 2009, 01:41:15 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad your sympathy extends to them all! You're right: they're all going through tough times, for different reasons. Yes, Jack was pretty nasty but - as you say - he must have a good reason for it.

Yay TARDIS! Yes, she's about the only sentient being here who's remotely getting it right.

More coming in a few minutes! Thank you :)


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