Gift-fic: Out Of The Shadow

Sep 15, 2009 22:20

Fic: Out Of The Shadow
Author: wmr wendymr
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rated: Adult (barely)
Disclaimer: If you think this would have happened in S1, then I'll admit it: they're really mine ;)
Summary: "What's the Shadow Proclamation when it's at home, then?"

Written for the Shadow half of the Shadow Proclamation, in very grateful appreciation. You are amazing!  *hugs* 1000 words exactly.

Out of the Shadow

“So, what’s the Shadow Proclamation when it’s at home, then?” Rose leans up on her elbows and turns her head towards the Doctor, who’s lounging beside her on the sun-warmed grass. They’re on a planet somewhere in the next galaxy over from Earth. Most of the inhabitants are attending some kind of convention, he tells her. They’ve got this place to themselves.

He rolls over to face her, leaning on one elbow. “What’s brought this on?”

She shrugs. “Was just thinking.”

“Dangerous, that.” He smirks. If she wasn’t lying on her front, using her arms to support her, she’d smack him. Instead, she sticks out her tongue. His grin just grows wider.

“Well, go on, then,” he says after a while. “You were just thinkin’... what?”

“Well, when we met - you know, blowin’ up my work, walking shop dummies everywhere, you nearly getting swallowed by a monster made of plastic underneath the Thames - you mentioned it. Convention something or other, yeah?”

“Convention 15, yeah,” he answers lazily. “So?”

“So it’s, like, some sort of universal statement of alien rights?”

He sits cross-legged. “Sort of. Well, not really.”

She snorts. “Some genius you are!”

He humphs. “Course I know what it is! It’s just you-”

“If you’re gonna say I wouldn’t understand, I’ll smack you.”

He shrinks away. “Bad as your mother, you are.”

She grins. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

He ignores her. After a moment, she continues. “Thing is, if it is some kind of charter or whatever, then why didn’t you use it to make the Slitheen leave? I mean, you told the Nestene Consciousness it was invading an’ that was against the Shadow Proclamation.”


She grins. “What? You mean you lied?”

“Course I didn’t!” he protests. “Just... See, the thing about the Shadow Proclamation is it’s not some kind of universal police. Well, it can be, but ‘s not as simple as that. It lays down laws to cover things like invasions, and terraforming of certain planets, or parasites like plasmavores. But they don’t just get involved. You have to go an’ make a complaint to the Shadow Architect.”

“Oh.” She rolls over onto her side. “So, you mean they wouldn’t have helped against the Nestene Consciousness?”

“Probably not. Worth a try, though.” He grins.

“You’re a complete chancer, you are!” she accuses, laughing.

“I am not!” he objects.

“Yeah, you are.” She pokes his chest. “You never have a plan, make things up as you go along, an’ when we first met I saved your life.”

He catches her finger in his, holding it securely. “So? Still manage to sort things, don’t I? Even saved your mother, remember!”

“Harriet an’ I helped,” she points out. “An’ you needed Mickey to save the world.”

He shrugs, commenting loftily, “All generals need armies. ‘S not brute force that puts someone in charge, it’s brains.”

“Yeah, yeah, Mr Clever Dick,” she teases.

“Oi!” he objects. “What do you know about my dick?”

She blushes scarlet. In all the time they’ve been together, though he’s flirted he’s never actually made any overt sexual references. But she quickly decides that he’s hoping for that kind of reaction. He wants to shock her.

Instead, she gives him a slow smile. “Not half as much as I’d like to.”

It’s his turn to flush red. But then he grins, slowly and appreciatively. “Oh, yeah? What d’you want to know, then?”

She curls her tongue around her teeth. “Whether you have one, to start with.”

His grin gets even wider. “Oh, I have one, all right. What? You want proof?”

Her breath catches. This isn’t simple teasing any more - at least for her. “You offering?” she asks, and almost cringes at how breathless she sounds.

“You askin’?”

She slides closer to him, and her arm brushes his. “Could be.”

His gaze glides over her body, then back to her face, and he gives her a challenging smile. “Well, go on, then.”

Calling her bluff. Well, he won’t get away with that. She slides nearer and lays her palm flat on the fly of his jeans. Underneath, there’s the unmistakeable feel of rigid male flesh - and it shifts slightly at her touch.

It’s his turn to catch his breath.

Slowly, fingers fumbling, she opens the button of his jeans, then tugs at the zip. Bit by bit, it descends, to reveal black briefs - very tight black briefs, that currently reveal more than they cover.

She can’t reveal as much as she’d like to, though, because his jeans are tight too and it’s all she can do to part the material at his fly. Without a word, he lifts his hips and roughly tugs his jeans down to thigh-level, leaving the briefs and a very evident bulge.

“Now what, Rose Tyler?” he asks softly; she shivers.

Her mouth’s dry and her heart’s thumping like a jackhammer. But there is no way she is backing down now. It’s the work of seconds, even if her hands are shaking, to pull his underwear down far enough to show that his parts are all man in appearance. He might be alien, but there’s nothing to show it here.

Would he shag her? Looks like he wants to, even if he’s not making any attempt to get her naked. Time enough for that later, though. Now they’ve gone this far, she won’t let him retreat to flirting friends again.

Before he can even think about stopping her, she bends low and drags her tongue along one side of him, then down the other. He gasps, and his hips jerk upwards. Oh, she’s still got it.

Opening her mouth wide, she swallows him down. He might be good at bluffing to aliens, but she gives a damn good blow-job. She’s gonna make him scream - and then she’s going to snog him to within an inch of his life before shagging him.

He’s not the only one who’s good at making it up as he goes along, after all.

- end

smut, ninth doctor, humour, rose tyler, fic

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