Jack/Ten fic up on wintercompanion

Jul 29, 2009 23:03

I'm one of the participants in the wintercompanion Summer Holiday fic event. wintercompanion, if there's anyone on my flist who doesn't know, is a Doctor/Jack challenge community - lots of wonderful fic gets posted there by authors such as dameruth, trobadora, yamx, sahiya and others.

My story is Fin de Siècle: Ten/Jack, set in the run-up to Ten's regeneration. No spoilers at all for Torchwood: Children of Earth as it was written a few weeks before CoE. It's only available on wintercompanion at the moment, though I will probably repost it here once the challenge is over. If you do go to read it, then do check out all the other stories in the Summer Holiday challenge - some wonderful fics have been posted over this month.


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