Auction-bid fic: Adult Education

Apr 26, 2009 22:28

Story: Adult Education
Author:  wmr   wendymr 
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rated: Teen
Disclaimer: Not even RTD or Julie Gardner would actually show this happening...
Summary: Rose points out to the Doctor some gaps in her education.

Written for amberfocus in appreciation for some rather large bids she made in the Support Stacie Auction earlier this month. She requested Nine, Rose and a lagoon, and this is what she gets. And with very many thanks to my partner in crime,
dark_aegis, for BRing.

Adult Education

Rose emerges from the TARDIS, blinking in the warm sun. This is a tropical planet, the Doctor told her, perfectly safe, and just the place for her to relax and get some sun and fresh air while he strips down the console.

They’ll be here at least a few hours, he told her, and he’ll be busy all of that time. Best she goes outside and explores, rather than hang around the console room getting underfoot.

She pulled a face at him for that - it’s not as if she doesn’t know how to entertain herself, or as if he doesn’t make use of her to fetch and carry for him if she is around when he’s working on the ship - but she’s certainly not complaining that he was thoughtful enough to take her somewhere like this while he’s busy. The planet’s called Ainiad, and this is a country or an island or something smack in the middle of an enormous ocean.

This place is like the photos of Tahiti in those travel brochures her mum used to bring home all the time. They’d play games of where they’d go if they won the lottery, and their favourites were always places like Jamaica or Hawaii or Tahiti. Tropical paradises, the brochures said. Lush green palm trees, bright blue water, golden sand and brilliant sunshine.

The grass feels warm beneath her feet, so she slips off her sandals, carrying them in her hand as she follows the glint of shimmering blue in the distance. A lagoon, the Doctor told her, at the same time giving her a five-minute lecture on the definition of a lagoon and how it’s not the same as a lake or an inlet or a fjord.

Doesn’t matter what it’s called, though. It’s beautiful and it’s entirely safe and it’s calling to her.

Twenty minutes later, she drops her shoes on warm sand and digs her toes in, letting the warm grains ooze between the digits and over the top of her foot. Gorgeous. God, it’s been years since she went to a beach. Last time must’ve been that day-trip to Brighton with Shareen and Keisha when they were all sixteen, and they wouldn’t have been caught dead actually walking on the beach then. Thought they were so adult, the three of them, didn’t they? They spent the day in and out of pubs and playing the slots on the pier.

It’s only since she’s been with the Doctor, really, that she’s started appreciating the world around her. No, the universe around her. Because it’s beautiful and amazing and completely fantastic and she’s so very, very lucky to have him showing it to her.

The sun’s warm, and the water’s so tempting. Now she’s wishing she’d brought a swimsuit with her. For a moment, she considers going back to the TARDIS to get one. But it’s too warm, and the TARDIS is almost half an hour’s walk away, and the Doctor told her not to disturb him. Doing some very tricky stuff, he said. Much safer not to get in his way.

He really is just like Mickey sometimes, though he’d go into an offended strop if she told him. They’re both completely obsessed when it comes to their vehicles - Mickey’s car, the Doctor’s ship. Sometimes she thinks they love their machines more than they do people. It makes her laugh, though. The thought of the Doctor having stuff in common with humans - and with a human he regularly calls thick and an idiot - it’s hilarious. But it’s definitely her secret.

So, no swimsuit. But the Doctor did say this is an unhabited island. So far the Ainiads haven’t even discovered it. Their technology hasn’t advanced enough to allow them to travel here: no air travel, and their ships aren’t powerful enough. So... well, the Doctor’s safely back in the TARDIS, engrossed in his repair-work and likely to be stuck under the console for hours yet, and there’s no-one else around...

With a wide smile, she pulls her T-shirt over her head and unzips her denim capris, letting them fall onto the sand. Then she hesitates: underwear or not? They’d dry quickly enough in this heat, true, but what would the salt water do to her bra? Not to mention wet underwear on sand.

Nah. A couple of clips and a wiggle later, her bra and knickers join the rest of her clothes on the beach, and she’s running into the shimmering water.


The Doctor swears.

The neutron converter’s sparking and fizzing any time he comes near it, and it’s already burned his hand twice. He knew this would be a tricky repair, but it should have been simpler than this. The last time he was under this part of the console, everything was fine. He was in and out in under half an hour, all fixed, everything fantastic. This time...

It’s as if the TARDIS doesn’t want him under there.

Which is completely ridiculous, because she needs this overhaul. She’s been sluggish for several trips now, and he knows how much she hates that.

He reaches up again, grabbing at the loose wire and aiming his screwdriver at it. Again, sparks fly everywhere, and one lands on the sleeve of his jacket. He slaps at it, but it leaves a singe-mark. He swears again.

On the next try, he manages to reattach the wire and tighten all the connections on the converter. Good. Done.

There’s still another two or three hours of work here, but he’s had enough for now. The TARDIS’s controls are delicate. Need handling with care and precision, and right now he’s not in the right frame of mind for what needs to be done.

He pulls himself out from under the console and jumps to his feet. Maybe he should go and see what Rose is up to. Can’t have her wandering off and getting lost, after all.


The water’s warm and gorgeous, and the lagoon’s just deep enough a few feet out that she can float safely. She drifts on her back, just waving her hands enough to keep herself on the surface of the water, feeling aching muscles - all that running, after all - relaxing, and the sun beating down on her face. She’s going to get a tan, but that’s okay. Her mum keeps saying she’s too pale, anyway.

After a while, the sun starts to feel too hot, so she swims lazily parallel to the shore. Swimming nude does feel completely different. It’s freer, in a way - even though she never really notices her suit when she’s swimming, it’s such a different sensation to have water touching and splashing against sensitive bits of her body.

Strange... and oddly arousing.

Good job she’s on her own. Maybe, once she’s out of the water... Well, the Doctor did say he’d be a few hours. And that grassy area up there near the trees looks like a great place to lie down and enjoy the sun.

And anything else that might spring to mind.


Rose is nowhere in sight when he opens the TARDIS door. Typical. Leave them alone for five minutes and they disappear.

Not completely, though. Useless at covering their tracks, humans are. There’s a trail of flattened grass over to the right and, if he’s not mistaken, it leads all the way to the lagoon. Fantastic.

He ducks back into the TARDIS to take off his jacket and hang it on the coat-rack. It’s warm out here and, even if he doesn’t notice extremes of temperature as a rule, it feels a bit silly to be wearing a jacket like that in this kind of place.

Looks like the lagoon’s about a mile away, maybe a bit more. No problem. He sets off with long strides, shading his eyes against the sun. The closer he gets to the lagoon, the harder it is to see. It’s not until he reaches the crest of a little hill, and then steps down onto the beach, that the sun stops dazzling his eyes.

But Rose isn’t on the beach. Now what-

And then he glances downwards and catches sight of a small pile of material. No, a small pile of clothing.

A splashing sound draws his attention away from the clothes, though he’s already recognised the red T-shirt Rose was wearing when she left the ship. Splashing. It’s coming from the lagoon. Someone’s swimming.

Rose is swimming. And, judging by the evidence at his feet - he glances down again to be sure - she’s naked.


She turns in the water, intending to lie on her back and float again. But something’s different. Just as she turned... Yes. There’s a shadow or something on the beach.

Carefully, she glances inland again. There’s someone there. A tall figure’s standing beside her clothes.

The Doctor.

Oh, god, the Doctor’s here, and he’s seen her clothes and - yes, he’s seen her. He knows she’s got nothing on.

Oh, bugger.

No point hoping that he’ll just turn around and walk into the trees or back to the TARDIS so she can get out of the water and dress in peace. No chance. She knows him too well. He’ll enjoy rubbing this in way too much.

Okay, so there are two options here. Either she lets him take control of the situation - or she controls it on her own terms.

Treading water, she moves to where she can rest her feet on the lagoon bed but be covered by water up to her shoulders. “Doctor! Comin’ for a swim?”

There. That’ll scare him off!

He’s too far away for her to be sure, but she thinks he’s grinning. Oh, bugger. “Don’t mind if I do.”

And it’s not too far away at all for her to see him pull his jumper over his head - what the heck happened to his jacket? - and drop it on the sand next to her clothes. And he’s standing there bare-chested, revealing well-developed muscles and a lean stomach she had no idea he was hiding beneath that jacket of his.

Nah. He’s calling her bluff. Any second now, he’ll...

His hand goes to the waistband of his jeans. Her breath catches in her throat.

Slowly, carefully, she edges closer to the shore, keeping her knees bent so that her breasts are still below the surface. Yes, he’s opening the button... oh, god, he’s sliding down his zip.

When his hands go to the side of his waistband and start to pull his jeans down over his hips, her throat dries up completely.

No. He’s got to be calling her bluff. Right?

His jeans are down around his ankles. It’s not until he steps out of them and straightens that she realises his underwear’s also gone.

He’s standing there on the beach, just feet from her. And there’s one question well and truly answered.  He’s completely naked. All male. And gorgeous.


Rose looks like she’s going to fall over. He grins. It’s fun confounding their expectations.

Two months she’s been travelling with him, and she thinks he’s asexual or something. That, because he’s alien, he’s not interested in sex, or just not interested in human women. Course, he’s not done much to let her know otherwise, but then there’s a time and a place. It’s not been the right time or place so far.

Holding her gaze, he walks slowly, deliberately, down to the water’s edge, silently challenging her to swim away, or to tell him the game’s over and she wants him to turn his back and let her get dressed.

But she doesn’t. As he wades into the shallows, she holds out her hand to him.

Kicking up his heels, he swims to her, stopping just close enough that he can reach out for her hand, but still far enough away for her to feel that she’s got some personal space.

Her fingers close around his, and she smiles up at him. “You like swimmin’, Doctor?”

“Depends.” He grins back. “Better with two.”

Her tongue curls around her teeth. “Lots of things are better with two, eh?”


She feels like pinching herself, but this isn’t a dream. Not with the gentle swish of the waves against her bare skin, and the Doctor’s wet palm against hers. And he’s never smiled at her in quite this way before.

“So, how about a race?” he suggests.

“Depends,” she counters. “What’s the prize?”

His smile’s slow and sends spirals of heat curling through her stomach. “What d’you want it to be?”

She moves closer, stepping into his personal space. Maybe now’s the time to ask for what she’s wanted for so bloody long and never imagined she’d get. “Y’know what?”


“There’s somethin’ missing in my education. All these places you’re taking me, the things you’re showing me, an’ I’ve never been snogged by an alien.”

There’s a sudden gleam in his eyes. “That what you want?”

“Yeah.” Her voice catches as she speaks. Oh, god, she wants it. Really, really, wants it.

“Not much of a prize if the loser wants it as much as the winner,” he says, and takes a step closer to her.

“Oh, I dunno.” She moves closer still, and their toes touch. “Who says there has to be a loser?”

“True,” he agrees. “Could always call it a tie.”

“But we haven’t even had the race yet.”

His lips curve upwards and he brings their bodies together, his solid chest against her breasts, his hips against her lower belly. And he’s hard. Very hard, and very male. “We haven’t?” he counters. “Could’ve sworn we jus’ did. An’ it was a tie. Right?”

“Right,” she whispers, just before his lips meet hers.


He was right. This is the time and the place.

Well, the lagoon wasn’t the right place, of course, though it was fine for a few kisses and a bit of getting to know each other better.

The grass up on the slope, just below the trees, is a much better place. Clothes spread out beneath them, they take their time to fill in some more of those gaps in Rose’s education. Alien anatomy, for starters. Physiology, for another.

And, of course, alien mating habits.

She approves of those. So much so that, after she’s caught her breath after the first time - not something that he needs to do, thanks to his binary vascular system - she wants to do it all over again.

He’s happy to oblige. Anything to further her education, after all.

- end

fluff, ninth doctor, rose tyler, fic

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