Decide upon a color scheme for your bridal attire and wedding decor
Decide upon and formally ask those you wish to be your bridal attendants
Select and book your ceremony and reception sites
Become familiar with any rules or restrictions of your planned sites
Start planning reception
Determine and book the ceremony officiator
Plan reception menu
Select and book a photographer
Determine your floral plans and select and book an appropriate florist
Decide upon and order/purchase your bridal gown, veil, and headpiece as needed
Determine upon your bridal party attire and have each attendant arrange a fitting appointment
Determine upon your planned mode(s) of transportation for the day and book accordingly
Finalize arrangements for ceremony
Make sure all bridal attire has been ordered (inclduing the men's wedding attire)
Decide upon and complete your registries (be sure that a registry is accessible to each invited guest)
Select and order invitations and personal stationary
Finalize guest list with complete mailing information for each guest
Check state marriage requirements, including license (blood tests are not currently required in Georgia)
Shop for wedding bands
Start honeymoon planning
Start shopping for wedding trousseau
Decide upon after-wedding living arrangements
Make sure invitations and announcements are ready for mailing (which should be mailed 4-6 weeks before date of wedding)
Arrange fittings and any necessary alterations for your and bridal attendants' gowns
Finalize all details with reception coordinator, photographer, forist, entertainment, transportation, etc.
Select and order wedding cake, if not already being supplied
Make sure all ceremony details have been finalized with officiant (make rehearsal arrangements at this time)
Make any necessary beauty appointments, such as hair, nails, and make-up
Finalize honeymoon plans, and pay deposit
Arrange accommodations for out-of-town guests
Plan rehearsal dinner and bridesmaids' luncheon
Arrange final fitting for your and bridal attendants' gowns
Select and purchase gifts for attendants, parents, and fiance
Have bridesmaids' luncheon
Record all gifts received (write and send thank-yous as you receive each gift)
Finalize selection of and purchase all necessary accessories, such as ring pillow, candles, garters, toasting flutes
Plan rehearsal dinner and bridesmaids' luncheon
Make arrangements to complete all legal details, such as name change forms for social security card, driver's license
Decide with finance bank account and insurance arrangements after the wedding; prepare accordingly
Make any necessary moving arrangements to new home; Fill out change of address form at local post office
Contact any quests that have not responded to finalize guest attendance number to submit to reception and catering services as necessary
Decide with finance bank account and insurance arrangements after the wedding; prepare accordingly
Confirm final arrangements with all professional services contracted - Give photographer a list of pictures you want - Give ceremony musicians list of desired music - Give reception musicians list of desired music - Plan and submit seating arrangement to reception coordinator
Practice hairstyling and make-up to acheive desired look
Make sure marriage license has been attained
Make sure all bridal attire has been picked up and fits
Make sure wedding bands have been picked up and fit
Attend rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner
Arrange for attendants to meet with you one hour before ceremony for pictures