Oct 05, 2005 23:09
these types of things are addicting. so here are my twenty confessions.
1. if i could wear high heels for the rest of my natural life, i would. in all situations. even playing football. and no, i dont care about my bone structure. my calf muscles are already shortened.
2. i hate, hate, hate ALL sports except baseball. (and pool, but thats not really a sport). and jackie, i dont like the mets. i still love you though.
3.i want a cigarette every day.
4. i'm not actually as talkative as i am. i mean, i dont really like talking as much as i do. i just think silence makes other people uncomfortable.
5. i do write people off based on very little information. i mean i know people make fun of me because i'm cold or whatever, and they dont really mean it. but seriously, i really am.
6. i dont build the business because i care about other people and i dont think i ever will. i want them to love jesus and fix their life because i dont want the world to go to hell.
7. if i could live anywhere in the world, it would be key west.
8. sometimes, and not as much as i used to, i feel smarter than everyone else.
9. every now and then someone i wont name makes me uncomfortable. and i dont know why.
10. i dont have a favorite childhood memory or a biggest regret.
11. i do like dogs.
12. i really, really enjoy rollerblading.
13. i'm not as close to my sister as i want to be.
14. i want a total of 7 college degrees (and that's just undergraduate stuff)
15. when people disappoint me, it actually makes my stomach growl.
16. i like playdoh. i have an unnatural fascination with it.
17. i love my cat. even if she is satanic.
18. i still like want to watch negative movies and sometimes i listen to taking back sunday and i dont think there's anything wrong with that.
19. i wish some of my old friends were in the business so they could really understand who i am now.
20. my husband rocks. most of you think you understand, but you have no idea.