Everyone else is doing it
http://kevan.org/johari?name=Wendiferous (only everyone else knows how to make it say "What 6 traits describe me?" and somehow have it link to the site...but um, since I can't, you can just click on the raw link (if that's what it's called)--just click after it says clicky!).
Updates (I know ya'll loved those Texas facts...don't lie!):
- Movin on' out = save mode. Feel free to send me love in the forms of cash, shoes, dining certificates, television, tivo, furniture, shelving, etc
- Congrats to my girls on thier impending weddings and recent engagements
(this does not apply to me, so don't ask!)
- Why isn't there any good movies out? "Hoodwinked" was funny, but not the best movie ever.
- Amazing self-control--there are 3 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies (Samoas, Thin Mints, and Shortbread) in my office and only 3 shortbread cookies are missing.
- Leslie and I have been hitting the gym in the AM's...go us!
- The girls on American Idol suck; go boys! I heart Chris, and Ace is a piece of s3x
- Hooray for Crop Night on Friday! Only if you are cool do you know what "Crop Night" is
- Teavana's "The Perfect Tea Maker" is THE best (loose) tea maker EVER; mmmmm...2 cups of green tea a day does the body good.
- Flinstones Vitamins and Women's One-a-Day Vitamins have the exact same ingreedients except that the Women's version has twice the calcium. Go with the Flinstones, boys!
- It needs to stop being so damn nice during the week and rainy on the weekends!!
That is all for now. Carry On (bonus points if you know where that's from)...