Nov 16, 2005 21:35
*taken from the Wisconsin State Journal 11-16-05*
Making all the news that's fit to print...
Perpetual student Johnny Lechner, in his 12th year at the UW-whitewater, is back in the media spotlight. In the New York Times.
A Nov. 10 article blames or credits-depending your viewpoint-Lechner's star status on a profile by State Journal reporter Doug Erickson that ran last April.
Other developments since we last checked in with the forever student are that he's got an endorsement deal with the makers of Monster energy Drink, which delivers "30 cases a week, along with advertising posters and condoms, to the house where Mr. Lechner lives," according to the Times. It also reports he's signed with the William Morris Agency to market a reality TV show on his life, and that a veep at National Lampoon sent him an e-mail "offering to pay his tuition, sponsor his graduation party and hold a job open for him at National Lampoon."
As many of you may, or may not, remember Johnny Lechner was my RA during my sophomore year at UW-Wastewater. Why in the hell are people still talking about this douchbag. He doesn't deserve any sort of publicity. He is a bastard who is simply still attending school because he doesn't want to grow up, and he stalks and fucks poor freshman girls who don't know any better. This article was on the second page of the paper (granted it was in a small entertainment section, but still...). There was a wonderful letter to the editor in the Whitewater college paper last year calling Lechner a douchbag over and over, and it was great. I felt so justified, but now it seems that *god!* the NY TIMES has decided to give this asshole the time of day as well. Does anyone else but me see how fucking stupid encouraging this prick is?
I think I just need to vent that all out, what I need now is a stiff drink to drown my frustration over him, sadly that will not occur for another hours or so, as I am still at work. On an unrelated note, Harry Potter 4 comes out tomorrow at midnight, and I will be there, and yes I am really excited!!! Whoo and hooo.
I leave on Wednesday next week to go to Philly for Thanksgiving, and I can't wait. I need a little vacation from working full-time. It's not that my job is hard, quite the opposite, but it will be nice to get out and do something a little more exciting that my current standings.
More information, I no longer have a car in Madison so anyone who wishes to see me will have to visit me here. It was stupid to keep a car here I never use, unless it's to go to whole foods once a month. Besides I have lovely car owning friends who will cart me to and fro. It is a nice change of pace to not be the one with the car now.