I know! I know! You don't have to yell at me! See, I'm getting around to a post eventually. So here's what is going on since I last posted...
I finished the last of my exams just at the end of May. I finally started my new job a couple weeks prior to that. I quickly found that no one had a clue what it is that I am meant to do! The previous person in the post left some time ago, and did not leave any information about what she did. The only other person that knew anything was her boss - who was killed in a car accident. Consequently, no one actually knows what I am supposed to do or how. In one sense, this means no end of frustration because things are pure chaos. I have to argue and beg and explain for ages to make anything happen. On the other hand, it means I have (mostly) a blank slate from which to work. It had been plenty of work, but I like what I'm doing. The team I work with are all wonderful! It's nice to work with a group that all get along so well.
Since some people are asking, a bit about the wetness... Yes, it flooded something fierce. No, we didn't get washed away. We've had double the average rainfall for the month of June in a period of 24 hours. And that after an unusually wet month so far! Fortunately, our place is high enough and far enough from the road that we didn't have problems. I spent much of the day watching from my front window as the coast guard went up and down the river that used to be our street. I certainly wasn't going anywhere, so I kept an eye on road conditions (Jack was still out there in the mess) and baked some bread. He came home a sodden mess, but at least we were warm and dry at the end of the day. Many others can't say the same.
Here are some photos of what it has been like in the area.
I hope it dries up before next week! We leave on the 2nd to go camping in Scotland for a week. I'm going to try to find some hiking boots that fit this weekend. With my odd feet, that might be its own adventure.